Sep 6, 2010

Thank You 7-Eleven Auction.

This Friday was the 7-Eleven office's auction to benefit MDA. I made out this year! Check out what I got...
* A trip to San Antonio. 4 nights at a hotel right on the Riverwalk, 2 tickets to Six Flags Fiesta Texas, 2 tickets to White Water Bay, two tickets for the riverboat cruise, and two tickets to the Alamo. All for the low price of $230!!! I did some research and this would have cost over $700 if paid in full.
* 4 tickets to Frontier City for $12. These cost over $30 a piece if bought at the park.
* 4 tickets to a Redhawks baseball game and two parking passes for $10. Not sure what these go for normally but I do know parking is $5 so right there they paid for themselves!
* A 2gb black Ipod Shuffle for $25. My company actually purchased this for $60 from Best Buy for the auction and I got it for less than half the price.
Unbelievable, huh? I am so excited. Especially about the trip to San Antonio. Alberto and I can't wait to book it!!

Sep 1, 2010

Dear 5th Grade.

Dear 5th Grade,

Please be good to my Gabriel. This is a year where he really comes into himself and really starts to learn his talents, his likes and dislikes, and making real friends. This is a year where he will begin to learn how important grades can be and that tests are no joke. This is not the same 5th grade I remember, so please be gentle. Be appreciative of his intelligence, his willingness and eagerness to learn and form his own opinions. Be lax in punishment when it comes to his impatience. A hard look is all he needs to get back on the right path. He needs to be challenged and doesn't take boredom easily. He gets this from me. Be open with praise as this is what he responds best to. It gives him encouragement and he reacts best when he knows he is doing a good job. He wears his heart on his sleeve so please be appreciative of his loving and easy nature. Please keep his love of learning alive and don't be afraid to mix some fun in with the tough curriculum.

Please know he is my world! I have faith in you and your teaching ability, but he is still my baby and I want what is best when he starts this next chapter in his life.

Gabriel's Mommy

Aug 31, 2010


I'm in the clear! Everything that was found were cysts. I go back in 6 months just for a checkup. The cysts I have are hard so they can't be drained. If they continue to grow I will need to have them removed, but for now since they don't bother me and aren't overly large they are okay. The doctor says chances are they should go away on their own. Plus, I am at the age where my tissue is changing and there may be things popping up here and there. Here's to being 30!!!

Aug 25, 2010

Dirty Dogs.

*Reader Discretion Is Advised*

All I can say is EEEEWWWW! Romeo has started humping Roxy and licking her chi-chi. I know it's just "doggie nature" but it really grosses me out. I don't want my pups to be nasty to each other. And, what bothers me even more is that Roxy lays there and puts her leg up for him to lick her and gets this look on her face like she is enjoying it. Again, EEEWWWWW! I am hoping that if I put a stop to the humping and licking now, Romeo won't continue doing it after he is fixed. He's not old enough yet according to the vet. About 3 more months until he is ready. Alberto just laughs at me when I tell him. He says they are husband and wife. I say no way. They are brother and sister. No inbreeding allowed here. LOL!

Aug 23, 2010

Edition 1: I Love You Because.

This is just a little something I want to do for Alberto and myself to look back on. The plan is to do this at least once a month. I want to remember all the little things and big things he does for me that I am so blessed to have.

You support me in whatever it is I come up with. And, you know I can come up with some crazy ideas from time to time. I am lucky you are that way, because I know all too many women whose husbands aren't like you.
Some of the ideas you actually think are great enough you want to join me (ex: Paranormal Investigating).
You know shopping makes me happy and never once have you said I shouldn't spend the money.
You clean the house and do the laundry... happily and willingly.
You send me random little emails telling me how wonderful and beautiful I am.
You give me massages and tickle my feet not only when I've had a bad day, but also just because you love me.

And Now I Wait.

Good news is they think my lump I found is just a cyst. Not so great news is while doing the ultrasound they found a mass of something they aren't sure of. It's about an inch from the lump. I'm waiting on a call to schedule a mammogram. They say the mammogram will give them a better look at what they found and also a better look at the cyst to see if it needs to be drained. Although I am not looking forward to the mammogram, I am looking forward to them figuring out what is going on and moving forward. So, now I wait and waiting is the hardest part.

Aug 18, 2010

Positive Attitude.

I believe in the power of positive thinking. I always try to keep things light and not stress too much, but honestly, this is a little scary. About a month ago I found a lump on my left breast. It is about the size of a marble and is really hard. It's close to the surface of my skin so it's very easy to find. It's hard to tell if I have pain there because all my MS pain is on the left side of my body, so I can't tell if it's my MS, the lump, or just in my head that I'm feeling pain. It's quite confusing :) I've already gone to my regular doctor and have an appointment with the breast care center at the hospital on Monday. Due to my age, they have to start with an ultrasound instead of going straight to a mammo. The doctor is confident we will get a good look with the ultrasound because of the size and location of the lump. I'm sure it will turn out to not be a big deal, but I'm still nervous.